Our Church
As a Church of England school we work closely with our church, St Thomas’ which is just a short walk away, in Stockton Heath village. Our relationship with St Thomas’ church is very important to us and we are proud to belong to the family of the church in Stockton Heath.
St Thomas' Vicar, Vicar Michael leads worship in school every Wednesday and our Christian Youth Leader, Adam Post leads our Monday morning worship. They both visit our nursery children to give them an age appropriate version of the service.
Adam Post and Phil Bishop run a lunchtime Christian Union meeting each week during lunchtime, which enables all children in key stage 2 to access the meetings.
Our classes will visit the church several times a year to lead worship and learn more about our Christian faith.
Vicar Michael also leads confirmation classes with Year 6 pupils. He sits on the Governing body and has responsibility, along with Mr Moss and Miss Stelfox, for overseeing RE, collective worship and Christian distinctiveness within school.
Our school community is part of the wider church community and we work together to ensure that worship and prayer are part of the fabric of the school day. We value Christian distinctiveness throughout the school experience.
We also collaborate in social action with both school and church supporting Christian Aid and other charities.