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​Welcome to Year 1!

Year 1 is taught by Mrs Clayton, with the support of Mrs Manta. If you have any questions or queries, please just catch us at drop off or pick up times, send us a quick message either via Seesaw or email: idanald@st-thomas.co.uk as we are more than happy to help.

Weekly Requirements for Year 1

Please could children also bring to school a water bottle and a waterproof coat each day?

Snack and water

Please can we politely remind parents that as a Healthy School we would request only water in drinks bottles please, and healthy, teeth-friendly snacks such as fruit, raisins, cheese, yoghurt, rice cakes, breadsticks etc.

Juice, crisps and chocolate biscuits should be kept for lunch times only as part of a balanced meal.


Homework will run from Friday to Friday and will always include::

Spellings (including sentence work)


Mental Maths Activity

A task from the ‘Choose It’ list

(Please see the homework information sheet for more details.)

SPOC – Special Person of Character

For information on this half-term’s SPoC (Special Person of Character) please visit the SPoC page, which can be found under the Curriculum section on the school’s website.

Please visit the SPoC page for the latest Special Person of Character

Additional Information

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